Jenway instruments

  • Jenway 9200 DO2 Meter 
  • Jenway 6300, 6305 spectrophotometer
  • Jenway 6400, 6405 spectrophotometer
  • Jenway 3310, 3320 pH Meter

  • Jenway 9200 DO2 Meter

    Menu in Datalyse:

    Read log

    Baud rate 1200, odd parity, 2 stop, 7 data bits. No command for version.

    The cable is specific, since the device is placed in a cradle and there is an infrared connection between device and cradle.

    Read log:

    Every time the Memory button on the DO2 meter is pressed, a measuring is saved. The log can contain no more than 100 measurings. You can transfer the log to the table in Datalyse. Every line in the log contains a measuring of concentration, temperature and pressure and a time stamp. The time stamp is converted to a time in seconds, which makes it possible to draw a graph of for instance the concentration as a function of time.


    The Jenway DO2 meter has in some menus a print out function. The »printout« can be transferred to Datalyse by selecting Terminal in Datalyse and print out on Jenway. Then click on Receive in the menu in Datalyse.

    Unfortunately the device has no command for regularly transferring measurings!

    Jenway 6300, 6305 spectrophotometer

    Menu in Datalyse:

    Measure at one wavelength
    Spectrum, wavelength scan
    Baseline, wavelength scan
    Zero Value

    You can also use the terminal program in Datalyse with spectrophotometer.

    Baud rate 1200, odd parity, 1 stop, 7 data bits.

    No command for version.

  • Jenway 6300: 320 nm - 950 nm
  • Jenway 6305: 198 nm - 1000 nm (has Zenon lamp)
  • It is possible to measure absorbance, transmittance and concentration. Note that the panel of Jenway is not setup in agreement with the measuring in Datalyse.


    Jenway 6300, 6305 cannot scan a spectrum, so Datalyse goes over the wavelength interval. If measuring the baseline, the number are placed in column C in the table. Once the base has been measured, column C in the table will automatically be subtracted from a scan.

    If you have saved a table with the base line, you can start an experiment by opening the table and selecting scan right away. The only requirement is that you measure at wavelength identical to those saved in the table.

    Jenway 6400, 6405 spectrophotometer

    Menu in Datalyse:

    Measure at one wavelength
    Spectrum, wavelength scan
    Release control

    You can also use the terminal program in Datalyse with spectrophotometer.

    Baud rate 1200, odd parity, 1 stop, 7 data bits.

    No command for version.

    When the spectrophotometer is controlled from the pc, the display reads: remote control. The pc takes control by sending the command: R to the device and releases control again by sending the command X.

    You can interrupt the control with the enter button on the spectrophotometer. Now you can measure manually. If you wish to measure from the pc with Datalyse again, you only have to go back to the main menu on Jenway.

    At wavelength measuring you can measure absorbance, transmittance and concentration. At wavelength scan you can measure absorbance and transmittance.


    Upon startup the spectrophotometer reads a baseline, so you should place an empty glass in the cell holder. At a scan the baseline is subtracted automatically.

    Note, that the baud rate only is 1200. This means that a scan takes several minutes. It helps somewhat, that you can set the scan step to 0,2 nm, 1.0 nm or 5.0 nm. Start with 5.0 nm.

    Jenway 3310, 3320 pH Meter

    Menu in Datalyse:

    Graphical measurement

    Baud rate 1200, odd parity, 1 stop, 7 data bits.

    No version command. The cable is standard.

    The following description is true for both 3310 and 3320 with only small deviations:

    When the device is connected a measuring is made. This is a test of the connection. Datalyse will write something like: » 3 6.67pH 21,8'C«. Calibration data are read as well, since they contain the type number of the device: 3310, 3320, ?

    As shown the device sends measuring number, pH and temperature on the same line.

    The pH-value is plotted one the graph and pH and temperature are written to the table.

    The pH Meter has no more than 2 commands:

    "D": fetch data
    "C": fetch last calibration.

    In the terminal program the command C is already inserted to make it easier to fetch the calibration data.

    Jenway has a series of pH meters. So far only 3310 and 3320 have been tested.

    Danish Distributor:

    Buch & Holm, Marielundvej 36, DK-2730 Herlev. Denmark:

    Jenway Inc: